Niche Research
In this Post I will tell you My some personal Tips and Tricks that you can use to research a profitable and low competition keyword for your new blog. So Let's start by How to Select a Niche for your Website ?
How To Do Niche Research For Your Website ?
So Friends basically Niche Research consists of three parts what are known as Market, Sub Market and then Niche and if go a little further then Micro Niche too.
So If we want to Select a Niche then first select your preferred Market. The Markets for example are Health, Finance, Technology, Beauty and much more. So after selecting those You have to select various sub markets for them. Suppose You have selected about Health then the sub markets under it are Men's Health and Women's Health or Childcare and many more and after selecting these too then You have to come to the point where you have to select a Niche for your Blog. So Suppose If you have selected Women's Health from sub markets then the niches would be Women's Health for Fat women or slim women or shy women and bla bla bla. So by using this trick You can easily select a good Niche for your Blog.
After selecting the niche You have to do a research on that niche to know that whether your niche is profitable or not. To do this you can use many tools like Aherf and semrush or any other tool you like because the main motive of this research is that you should have your final keyword with you that should have low competition and high search volume and good CPC. So now you are finished with your keyword researching process. So now let's talk about Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing
If you are a person that only depends on Google Adsence for the earning then You are going to slow with the time because it is the time when people make more money than Adsemce by doing Affiliate Marketing. So when you are done with your niche research process. Then you need to check that whether your niche is a profitable niche or not. To check this you need to check How many products are there in your niche that you can sell to your visitors. If there are more than 100+ Products then Congrats you have researched a Profitable niche but If there are less than 100 products then you need to research again and come up with a Profitable niche. Just see this example If you are having 2 niche of Quotes and Blogging. Then definitely your second niche is a profitable niche because in blogging you can sell your visitors hosting, domain names and courses also but in Quotes you have nothing to sell. Remember one thing In Affiliate Marketing you will earn money By selling your products so always select a niche in which you can sell your products to your visitors easily.
Some Final Words and Tips From Me
1- Don't go for 0 competitive niches because it means people are not working on it and if people are not working on it then mostly it is a less profitable niche.
2- Competition is Good because it tells you that others are working on it because it is a more profitable niche.
3- Select a profitable niche and work hard on it don't focus on short tem earning because your vision is of long term.
4- Give a great importance to Backlinks or Link Building.
So Guys this was my Post on How To Do Niche Research For Your Website ?