Best ways to Earn Money online Easily for School Children

Best ways to Earn Money online Easily for School Children

Best ways to Earn Money online Easily for School Children

In This Post I will tell you some of the best ways to earn money from home. I will make sure that all these ideas doesn't take much time to do and are also easy for the school going children to do in their day to day lifestyle so that they do not have to rely upon their parents for each and everything they want to do. 

Why I am writing this article ?

Well I am writing this article because I can understand the feelings of a school children and also their needs and desires. Like sometimes I desire to buy an IPhone of latest generation but before I started Blogging I could not imagine to buy that because most of the parents will not be ready to give a $1000 Phone to their school child but What if I wanted it so badly ? So This was one off my reasons to start Blogging so that I can do and buy anything without asking anyone. 

Why You should also start Earning Money ?

Well If you have a attitude of doing things by yourself and not asking for help in front of anyone then believe me you will go too far in your life. So If you want that for everything you don't have to ask your parents for money then You should follow any one of my ideas. 

Why You should Follow my ideas only ?

Well I am not saying that only I will give you the correct advice and not anyone else but I cant guarantee you about some one else but I can say that the ideas that will be given in this article will be totally realistic, less time consuming as school children have to focus on their studies also and easy to learn and practise so that they don't have to invest much time to learn about that Skill.

Starting with the Ideas -

Best ways to Earn Money online Easily for School Children

1- YouTube - Being a Youtuber is not that tough but if you do it very well it can give you a lot of Profit in return. For School Children I am not asking them to invest anything just start your channel and make videos with your smartphone only. But The only thing I will tell you is consistency. Now Consistency doesn't mean that You have to upload daily videos for example if you are uploading videos once a week so always upload video once a week only.

Best ways to Earn Money online Easily for School Children

2- Blogging - Another very popular and best method to earn money online is by Blogging. In this also you don't have to invest money in purchasing domain and hosting. You can use Blogger  which will provide you with free hosting and domain also. And after some time you can Sign up fir Adsence and start earning money by Blogging. You can earn money by Blogging by using popads, sponsorships, affiliate marketing and by using link shortners also. 

Best ways to Earn Money online Easily for School Children

3- Affiliate Marketing - Last but not the leat earning method of online earning is through Affiliate Marketing. You can signup for famous Affiliate Programs in India like of Amazon and Flipkart and sell their products for which they will pay you some commission. By doing this you can earn money by doing literally nothing. You just have to promote their products on Your social media accounts and whenever people will buy anything from your link you will get money. 

So Friends This was My Post about Best ways to Earn Money online Easily for School Children.

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