How is Blogging as a Career option ? Fully Explained

Blogging as a Career option | Fully Explained

How is Blogging as a Career option ? Fully Explained

Hello Everyone This post will be going to be on Should you choose Blogging as a full time career or not ? I was tell you about this topic in very detailed form by which You can easily decide whether Blogging is for You or not. 
Basically by reading this reading full You will understand that What does it takes to become a Full time Blogger. So Now without wasting any more time let's get to the Article.

What it takes to become a Blogger ?

If you are that child who when starts a Blog thinks that now he will leave his study or job and give entire time to Blogging then you may be the most stupid person in the World. Always after starting a Blog your mindset should always be like some what similar to this one -" I will start a Blog as a part time and continue with my study or job also and if after some time I see the growth of my Blog and also when I observe that I am not really giving enough time to the Blog as much time I should really give to it Then only I will leave my study or job and do Blogging as a Full Time career option". With this mindset You can easily start your Blogging career successfully.

Now one thing  which is also much important is that your attitude towards money. If you are a greedy person you might be placing many ads on a single page but by doing this you are troubling and making difficult for your visitors to read what you have written. Remember onething " Money is not your Real income But Your Viewers are your real Income " so if you keep your viewers happy you will ultimately get lots and lots of Money. 

One more thing which takes to become a Blogger is Patience. Patience is that quality which can help you to achieve anything in life. In Blogging you will need Patience a lot because many times in matters like Your Adsence account approval is taking much time, Your Blog is not ranking, You are not getting Backlinks all these types of problems demands Patience also. 

So Now we have discussed that What it takes to become a Blogger ? But now we will discuss that Is Blogging a good career option or not ?

Is Blogging a Good Career option ?

Well no one can say that Blogging is a good career option or not because It's results may be different for every one. Maybe one become very successful and the other person may not be able to rank it's Blog also. It is just a matter of How much You know about SEO ? The Blog with High SEO wins and the Blog with poor SEO is always behind. 

Now If you have a successful Blog it doesn't mean that You will always earn money from that because any anytime Adsence can suspend or terminate your account or at any time some other Blog with high SEO can outrank your Blog in Google Search. Don't say that I am demotivating you because it is not demotivation but the Truth of Blogging. 

So I will not suggest you to leave your all work and become completely dependent on Blogging. Instead of that I will advice you to open a YouTube channel too so that If any problem occurs with Blogging then you always have a second option of earning which can be YouTube or any other profession which takes less time because here we are doing Blogging as a Full Time career and YouTube or any other profession as a Part Time career.

So This was My post on How is Blogging as a Career option ? Fully Explained

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