Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free

Start Your career In Bloggin Easily

This post is for all those my Friends who want to start their career In Blogging but are confused How to start and how things will work and many other things which they don't know so in this post I will give you a Step by Step guide on  How to start your career in Blogging easily and also without spending any money. My tutorial will be based on because I prefer that if you are a beginner then is not good for you and also it will be costly on the otherhand is totally free to use.

So let's start with this Tutorial

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
1- In First Step after signing into Blogger with your gmail account This type of Box will appear infront of you where you have to enter specific details.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
2- So friends In second step you have to enter your Blog name in place of  title and your blog url address in place of Address and select a Theme which you can change later on.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
3- After entering those information This type of screen will appear infront of you. It will have many options so don't be confused I will explain you all important option one by one.  
Now In post option You can see all of your post which are published and drafted also. To create a new post you have to click on New Post red colour option above.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
4- After clicking on New Post option This type of page will appear in front of you. Let me explain you the options which are in Right sidebar. 
In Labels you have to enter the category of your post  then schedule option is not so important but It is used to publish your written post in a specific time automatically. Permalink is one of the most important options present here because with the help of this you can create a custom url of your post which can hep you in SEO. Then location option is not important you can leave that for sure. Then search description option will not be enabled in starting it will only be enabled once you enable meta description option from Settings under Search Preferences. In Search Description option you can write about a short description of your post. Then comes 'Options' which is easy too understand you can easily understand it by yourself. And at last we have Custom Robots Tags in this option I will recommend you not to touch it and kept it set to default only.
And To the left side is your Post Body where You will write your entire post. On top of that You can see various options which you can use to enhance your Post.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
5- Now come to the second option after Post which is Stats option. Now in the option too you have 4 sub-category of overview,  posts, Traffic Sources and Audiences. 
In overview option you can check the overall growth of your Blog. In post option You can check the growth of your specific post. In Traffic Sources You can check from where your Blog is getting it' traffic basically you can check from what sources example like Facebook, Organic Search etc from where your Blog is getting Traffic. In Audience option you can check that from which Countries you are getting your traffic and from which Operating System your blog is getting traffic and also you can check that from which Browsers your Blog is getting Traffic. 

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
6- Now comes to Comments option which is not so important In this option You can manage your Comments in the Blog. It is not a important thing so let's proceed to other important options.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
7- Now here comes the main and also most important option for some Bloggers because from here only You can Apply for Google Adsence when you will be eligible for it. Now when you will open it first It will show You that " Your Blog Doesn't Qualify for Adsence". So in order to qualify for Adsence you have to write more than 5+ posta and let your Blog to be 1 week old Then you will be eligible for Adsence and then you will be a option like this 
Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
So Now by clicking Sign Up for Adsence you can sign up for Google Adsence for your Blog.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
9- So Now in next You will see the options for Pages. This is a important option for Adsence approval. You have to create some important pages of Contact us, About us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Sitemap. You can create them By clicking New Page option.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
10- Now in layout option You have to design the layout of your Blog or you can also leave it as it is. This layout section will keep on changing according to your Themes because each theme has it's different Layout. There is nothing to explain much in this option.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
11- Now After that comes the Theme section of your Blog which you can chose easily. You can chose Some Themes provided by Google which are also very Good or you can install your custom Theme by clicking on Backup and Restore option in the right side of the screen.

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
12- Now You will have al last Settings option for your Blog which is also divided into many parts. I will explain you each one of them in proper order. So let's start with the first option which is Basic.
In Basic option You have access to your blog basic settings like your Blog name and Blog Description and Your blog web address which you can change here easily. 
Now comes the second option which is of post comment and sharing. This option is not at all important for you so don't waste your time in this option and the same goes with Email and language and formatting option too which is also not important. So after leaving these three options here comes the next option of Search Preferences which is the most Important option in entire Setting. 
Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
So in this option You mainly have to focus on the following things. You have to write Meta Tags/ Meta Description for Your Blog and you have to connect your Blog to Google Search Console and you have to make some changes in custom robots header tags. The changes that you will make are in the image given below
Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free

Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free
So Friends Now in other option You also can do some important things. You can import the content from any other Blog to your Blog, You can backup the content of your Blog and you can Delete your Blog and also You can connect your Blog to Google Analytics by using your Analytics ID.
Then Friends comes the User Setting option which is not so important But if you want to know about This you can understand it very easily by clicking there. 

So After This You end up with creating Your Blog with a little SEO settings also. 

So this was my post on " How to Start Your career In Blogging Easily For Free

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